Tuesday, February 6, 2007

A Beginning

Hi everyone.

I am starting this blog because I feel a need to speak out about Transsexual issues. I am an M2F post-op transsexual woman, am fully assimilated as a woman, live my life as best as I can without my past being much of an issue. And yet, I cannot deny that I have a past, nor can I deny what and who I am. This blog will be anonymous, as I don't want people tracking me down based on what I reveal here; I want to keep my blogspace separate from my real life as much as possible.

I am doing this because there are many things going on in the world affecting transsexuals and that affect me as an individual that I feel the need to write about, and hopefully, through writing, can make a difference in the world. We'll see if I ever get a readership that cares, that thinks, that provokes, that responds.

I will maintain full editorial control over this site and it's contents, including the comments, if there are any. I reserve the right to remove comments I find offensive or inflammatory or spammy, or for any other reason I choose; my space, my rules. If what I write provokes, please comment.

No promises about how often I will write. I'll try to keep up with it, but I won't write for the sake of writing. If I have nothing to say, you won't hear from me.

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